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General Questions


If Frisco HIS isn't a co-op, what is it?


Frisco Home Is School is a support group. It is our mission to help local homeschooling moms through helping them connect with each other, offering support, and serving each other. 

We help our members connect with other homeschool moms by offering fun “moms only” events like coffee nights, holiday parties, movie night, and other great opportunities to hang out for just an hour or two without our children. 

Some of the ways we offer support to our members is through “Table Talks” which are informal informational get togethers regarding various homeschooling and parenting topics such as curriculum, preparing high school transcripts, homeschooling with special needs, homeschooling multiple ages, etc. 

We also hope to be able to serve each other when the need arises. We are here for moms and sometimes moms need a little extra help. We have been honored to bring meals to families when a new member is added, when there is an illness or surgery in a family, and many other circumstances where mom just needed one less thing on her plate for a few days! We have also served families in other ways and our members have formed a wonderful network of skills and abilities! 

Another big way we serve our members is through various activities for their children! Our members volunteer to host things like field trips, park meetups, holiday parties, Lego Club, Science Club, Chess Club, Drama Club(Ages 13+), family picnics, game nights and hang outs for high schoolers, and many other fun chances to get together with old friends and make new ones!


Where is the group located?


We are located in Frisco, TX. We welcome anyone in Frisco or the surrounding areas to join our group.


How often do you meet?


The meeting times of our activities vary. Lego Club and Chess Club meet once a month. We have a park meet up once a week but if a mom would like to volunteer to host additional dates then we would welcome them to! The same goes for our field trips and other activities, they are all based on how many moms volunteer to help us host an activity or field trip. Many of the “moms only” events are hosted by the Frisco HIS board but our members are also welcome to host additional mom events as well! Our board is made up of only a few homeschooling moms just like you. They are not paid and they have their own families to care for so they can’t do it all! Frisco HIS depends on our members to serve each other through volunteering to help with the events and activities that we all enjoy so much!



Do you have requirements to join the group?


Qualifications for Membership:

  1. You must be a mother, grandmother, or female legal guradian who is actively home schooling at least one of their children or plans to home school within the next year.
  2. Mother signs and submits:
    1. Membership Application
    2. Statement of Faith
    3. Code of Conduct and Organization
    4. Release and Waiver
    5. Teen Behavior Contract (if applicable)
  3. Mother submits annual nonrefundable membership dues. 


Is membership open to everyone or just Christians?


Frisco Home is School is an inclusive group.

Although our group is Christian based and led, membership is open to all female home educators willing to accept our purpose and sign that they acknowledge our Statement of Faith, even if they disagree with it.  Volunteers and leaders must sign that they are in agreement with the Statement of Faith.

All members must sign and agree to abide by the Frisco Home is School Code of Conduct and Organization, Release Waiver, and Teen Behavior Contract (if applicable).




What do my membership dues pay for?


The dues will help with various costs including but not limited to:

  • access to the website for current school year
  • hall/church rental for events
  • paper goods, decorations, craft materials, etc.

We will celebrate the following holidays and parties:

Back to School Party

Thanksgiving Party (moms will have their own party)

Christmas Party (moms will have their own party)

Valentine's Day Party

Easter Party

End of Year Party

Graduation Celebration


What form of payment is accepted for the membership dues?


You may pay membership dues with a credit card, debit card, or ACH(electronic check).


How Frisco HIS is organized?


Frisco Home is School is organized according to Bylaws

We are a Christ-centered, non-profit support group dedicated to doing all things according to Biblical principles and bringing glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

We are organized exclusively for religious charitable and educational purposes:

  1. To provide fellowship and support for homeschooling women;
  2. To provide opportunity, to exchange resources and curriculum information;
  3. To provide opportunity for field trips, group activities, and ministry.


Tell me more about Frisco Home is School.


We are a:

1. 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization

We are not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making a profit.

2. Incorporated with the State of Texas

We are a legal corporation granted a charter recognizing Frisco Home is School as a separate entity (like an individual) having its own  rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members.